British EuroRAP Results 2018 Launch: 30th October 2018 at House of Lords 0830-1000hrs
The British EuroRAP results track the improving safety performance, or otherwise, of thousands of sections of British main roads.
Some £100m has now been allocated by DfT from its innovative Safer Road Fund to improve safety on a portfolio of the 50 most dangerous roads identified by previous results. Leading British authorities are extending the approach and it is being emulated in a dozen countries internationally.
This year’s results have again been sponsored by Ageas UK, one of the UK’s largest motor insurers.
The event will be of value especially to MPs, Local Authority Cabinet Members in non-metropolitan authorities, their senior officers and all those with interests in reducing the social and economic cost of road trauma.
There will be discussion of infrastructure safety funding and priorities. The Chair of the Transport Select Committee has been invited by Lord Whitty to respond to this year’s report. A draft programme can be found here.
Tackling Risky Roads Conference: 30th October 2018 at House of Lords 1030-1400hrs
The EuroRAP results launch will be followed by a short conference looking at the UK programme to tackle risky roads. The first of two main sessions will review the national iRAP programme on the Strategic Road Network and innovation feeding into the global iRAP initiative; the second session will focus on work undertaken by local authorities. Further details and the draft programme can be found here.
Reserve a place for these free events by contacting events@roadsafetyfoundation.org. Given the Parliamentary location places will be limited.