The Road Safety Foundation is a UK charity advocating road casualty reduction through simultaneous action on all three components of the safe road system: roads, vehicles and behaviour.
The charity has enabled work across each of these components and several of our published reports have provided the basis of new legislation or government policy.
For the last 18 years, the charity has focused on leading the establishment of the European Road Assessment Programme (EuroRAP) and more recently the work first developed by RSF has fed into the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP). Since the inception of EuroRAP in 1999, the Foundation has been the UK Member responsible for managing the programme in the UK (and, more recently, Ireland), ensuring the UK provides a global model of what can be achieved.
The Foundation plays a pivotal role in raising awareness and understanding of the importance of road infrastructure at all levels through:
- Regular publication of EuroRAP safety rating measures which can be understood by the general public, policy makers and professionals alike
- Issuing guidance on the use of EuroRAP protocols and working with road authorities to improve the safety of the road infrastructure for which they are responsible
- Proposing the strategies and goals that the Government should set in order to save tens of thousands of lives and disabling injuries
The Road Safety Foundation is a founder member of the FIA Foundation and frequently works with other FIA members in Britain and abroad. We also work closely with other road safety orgnaisations including the RAC Foundation, AA, IAM, RoadSafe, PACTS and professional bodies such as ADEPT.

Driving change: Investing in safer roads
Driving change: Investing in safer roads Crash Risk Mapping Results 2024 - Britain's motorways and 'A' roads This year’s report tracks the safety performance of motorways and ‘A’ roads in Great Britain, These roads make up less than 14 per cent of the whole network,...

Road safety performance and investment opportunities
Road Safety Performance and Investment Opportunities - Britain's Motorways and 'A' Roads Crash Risk Mapping Results 2023 This year’s report tracks the safety performance of motorways and ‘A’ roads in Great Britain, These roads make up less than 13 per cent of the...

New Urban Countermeasures are now in ViDA
New Urban Countermeasures are now in ViDA Knowledge from across the globe has been brought together in a three-year project managed by the Road Safety Foundation (RSF) and supported by a grant from The Road Safety Trust. The project enhances iRAP for use in urban...