The project will provide Local Authorities with a specialist resource to help understand the risks to vulnerable road users in towns and cities. It will also help Local Authorities to understand the benefits of introducing different traffic measures to their urban areas to improve the environment for these users. The project will work in partnership with the successful International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), four Local Authorities and charity Brake.
The new resources will be freely available and will help authorities to better analyse their urban road networks and identify cost effective improvements targeted at reducing fatal and serious injuries in all user groups.
This is an exciting project which will ensure that the latest thinking and innovation for safety measures for vulnerable road users in urban environments are fully embedded within the iRAP tools. The enhancements will see the innovative application of a proven tool for rural road safety management extended into the urban context.
It will provide Local Authorities a greater suite of evidence-based countermeasure options to implement in Safer Roads Investment Plans for urban streets, particularly for those targeted at improving safety for vulnerable road user groups.
The improved tools will help authorities to better analyse their urban road networks and identify cost effective improvements targeted at reducing fatal and serious injuries.