How We’re Governed
The Road Safety Foundation is governed by Trustees who are the sole Members of the charitable company. Trustees sit as a Council of Management who agree and monitor the forward plan and approve all of the charity’s policies. The Trustees also regularly sit as a Council with Advisers, who are also unremunerated, in order to expand the breadth of expertise to the Council. A Management Committee reviews progress monthly with the charity’s Director and CFO.
The Road Safety Foundation is governed by Trustees who are the sole Members of the charitable company. Trustees sit as a Council of Management who agree and monitor the forward plan and approve all of the charity’s policies. The Trustees also regularly sit as a Council with Advisers, who are also unremunerated, in order to expand the breadth of expertise to the Council. A Management Committee reviews progress monthly with the charity’s Director and CFO.

Lord Whitty

Dr Sue Sharland
Trustee and Chair of the Management Committee

Alexandra Overton-Wood

Richard Turner OBE

Nick Lomas

John Dawson
Adviser to Council

Anthony Marshall
Adviser to Council

John Plowman
Adviser to Council
Tony Ciaburro
Adviser to Council