Safer Roads Fund

Safer Roads Fund

Safer Roads Fund The Safer Roads Fund was established to treat the 50 highest risk local A road sections in England with remedial road safety engineering interventions.  As a result £100 million has been committed by the Department for Transport across 48 schemes. ...
Roads that cars can read III

Roads that cars can read III

Tens of millions of deaths and serious injuries have taken place on the world’s roads in recent decades: we have cruel statistical knowledge of how and where people are killed and maimed today. This paper takes our knowledge of these crash types and frequencies and...
Cutting the Cost of Dangerous Roads: BRITISH EURORAP RESULTS 2017

Cutting the Cost of Dangerous Roads: BRITISH EURORAP RESULTS 2017

Cutting the Cost of Dangerous Roads: BRITISH EURORAP RESULTS 2017 This year, our annual report contains risk mapping and analysis complemented by a new interactive road crash index database. The database, a collaborative project with Ageas, is designed to help reveal...
Tackling High Risk Regional Roads – Implementation Guidelines

Tackling High Risk Regional Roads – Implementation Guidelines

Tackling High Risk Regional Roads – Implementation Guidelines In the Autumn of 2016, the RSF embarked on a project to inspect, Star-Rate and generate Safer Roads Investment Plans (SRIPs) for 11 high-risk A-road sections in England. Shortly after this project...